Friday, 24 January 2014

St. Helen's Farm Goats' Milk Review

St. Helen's Farm Goats' Milk Product Review
As those who follow me will know - I LOVE this product and often have a bowl of it warmed up so I'm completely honoured to be sampling some of their award winning Best of British Goats' milk! Don't forget every blog of mine isn't complete without a chance for one of my pawpals to sample and review a product on my blog at a later date... which is why we have vouchers to give away to TWO lucky pooches!


About St. Helen's Farm
St Helen's Farm was founded in 1986 on a smallholding near Barmby on the Marsh in East Yorkshire. It was located next to a church called St Helen's, from which the name of the farm was chosen.
The business began when it was discovered that goats' milk was of great appeal to people who could not tolerate cows' milk. In those days, goats' milk could only be bought from individual farms and supermarkets concentrated on cows' milk products.
A modern dairy was also built, which enabled St Helen's Farm to pack fresh goats' milk into cartons and make other products such as butter, cream and yogurts.

The farm began by milking 500 goats and soon started supplying customers such as Waitrose and Hillards with, initially, a blend of sheep and goats' milk yogurts.
The business then moved to a new site at Seaton Ross in the Vale of York in the early 1990's. The extra land was needed to grow crops to feed the goats and to expand the herd.
Today, the dairy supplies fresh goats milk products to supermarkets across the country on a daily basis. The consumer liking for goats' milk products has increased demand for milk and a number of other family goat farms in the Midlands and Yorkshire now also supply us with fresh British goats' milk to meet rising demand..
There have been many changes over the years but a consistent focus on good animal welfare and attention to quality at all stages of the process has remained a constant philosophy. This has enabled the farm and dairy to produce a top quality goats' milk that continues to be enjoyed by increasing numbers of customers each year.

My Review (The ImPawtant One!)
I loves my Goats Milk, Oh Yes I do, So Lets Share A Bowl, Just Me and You!
Hello again my pals, sorry about the delay with this upload - Me and the pet human haven't been too well. We are on the mend now and I'm over the moon to be reviewing this marvelous goats milk. I wuff it, especially a drop warmed up in my bowl before bed! It has it's health benefits my mum says.. therefore it's the tastiest medicine ever! The only problem is, I can't open it with my paws so human assistance is required, so I had to be super nice to the human. *Practises puppy-eyes*

I sent granny to the shops to collect it freshly - apparently it is on the top shelf at the local super-market, so if there are any tall dogs that wish to help me form a pyramid so I can reach without human assistance please contact me!

I know you're all having flash backs to your puppy days thinking OMD! I love that stuff.. but never get it now. Well now is your chance to grab this opportunity with your paws and show your pet humans how good it is, not just for puppy growth.

Mum often pours me a drop to keep me healthy, especially if I'm poorly. I haven't been too good this week with having a few sickness issues and a delicate tummy. Mum poured me some goats milk in my bowl and warmed it up in the microwave so it was just nice and warm for me. I can safely say it is sooooo yummy in my little tummy that I drank the bowl clean and even begged for more. (However, humum said I wasn't allowed to be greedy!)

Greedy Derby & Tootise Sharing a bowl!
She even poured Derby, my 15 year old Yorkshire Terrier Adoptive Dad, a bowl. He has a terrible digestion problem stemming back from his puppy years. When mum and gwandad rescued him he had been badly abused in the past. He was starved to the extent he had swallowed a babys dummy out of desperation for food - which bless him, did him no favours in the long term! He does gobble his food but has a sensitive digestion so has to have natural treats.  Derby didn't let the team down, he drank ALL of his bowl! (I was quite annoyed, I thought he may have left me a drop after I promised him a mention in my blog!)  Him and Tootsie shared a bowl... because sharing is caring *Ahem Ahem*!!

Mum says that it is very good for my coat, and skin, which I agree with too. The taste is delicious so it's not hard to figure out why this goats' milk is award winning.

The Human Review *Yawns*  ( She let Derby and Tootise try MY goats' milk :( )
I was brought up with my dad and Grandad rearing goats, and my earliest memories consist of me drinking fresh goats milk. 
I know it's a great product for humans and great for growing too, but I love how I can rely on Nellie to drink it and keep her hydrated if she is ill and refusing her water and food.
I know Nellie likes her Goat's milk for herself...and point blank won't share! (She has her own carton with her name on, and will possibly be getting a mug of her own off Santa Paws if she behaves!) Anyhow, this product is great for both pets and humans and I want to outline how great it can be for humans over cows' milk too. As we know, cows milk isn't recommended for dogs or puppies as it effects their digestion - which is why Goats' milk it a much more preferred, and tastier option!
So why choose St. Helen's Farm Goats' milk over cows milk?...

Plenty of calcium

3 servings of goats’ milk products provide more than 100% of an adult's recommended daily amount of calcium16. Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, to help against the onset of osteoporosis and may also aid weight control by helping breakdown body fat as part of a calorie controlled diet.

Blood pressure friendly

Dairy products like goats' milk and yogurt are rich in calcium, a mineral indicated as important in lowering our blood pressure. Choose the low fat options if you’re concerned about blood pressure.

 A good source of key vitamins


One (250ml) serving of goats' milk provides 17% of the RDA for vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which is needed for the release of energy from food,and 15% of the recommended daily amount of biotin (a B-vitamin which is important for a healthy nervous system). Goats' milk is richer than cows' milk in the fat soluble vitamin D, which is needed to help calcium absorption and for healthy bones and teeth.

Naturally lower in cholesterol

Goats' milk is naturally slightly lower in cholesterol than cows' milk and the skimmed and semi-skimmed options make it a good alternative for people who are watching their cholesterol or saturated fat intake.

 Other Essential Minerals

One (250ml) serving of goats' milk delivers over one third of your recommended daily amount of phosphorus(which helps build strong bones and teeth and to release energy from food), and more than meets your daily iodine needs (which helps keep our thyroid and metabolic rate healthy) and provides 425mg of potassium (involved in maintaining a healthy blood pressure by helping to blunt the effects of sodium)


Goats' milk has more oligosaccharides than cows' milk, with an amount similar to human milk. These act as prebiotics in the gut and may help to maintain the healt.h of the digestive tract by encouraging the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria


Whole Goats' Milk 1l, Semi-Skimmed Goats' Milk and Skimmed Goats' Milk are available to purchase at Sainbury's and Tesco's

The Gang Modelling

Derby gobbling up MY goats milk!

Tootsie guarding the milk!
Me keeping my paw on control of the situation!
If you want to win please enter the compawtition below

Two lucky readesr will win 2 X £1 off St. Helen's Farm vouchers each  to purchase goats milk with, which they will review on my blog at a later date.
Can you correctly answer the following question in the comments section? * Open to UK residents only.
Winner will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire on the product they receive in order to achieve more of a range of reviews.
If you do not have a google account,  feel free to DM me your answer and I'll paste your answer below :)
What year was St. Helen's Farm founded in ?
A. 1906
B. 1966
Please leave either a contact email or your twitter username.
If you do NOT have a Google+ logjn Please select 'Anonymous' and then type your username in :D
Competition closes Sunday February 2nd 2014. Winner will be contacted shortly after.

Nom Nom, Gulp Gulp!



  1. I adore goats milk and it's fantastic you chosen to feature something both Hoomins and dogs can both enjoy:-) yummmy lol X x

  2. C. 1986
    Anuva great blog & revyoo I duz luv yoos pics wif milky Nellie! Me has nevur tried goats milk! Luv @choccyangus xx

  3. C1986
    We've never tried it but dad used to have it cos of intolerance to cow's milk. Mum likes it but never tried this brand.

  4. Hi Nellie. Great blog again and love all the photos of you Derby and Tootsie trying out the goats milk. I have never tried it but would like to give it a go. Luffs you lots from Lord Greedy Gobbles !! Ha ha xx

  5. Sorry - the answer is 1986 (my paws assistant not awake) !! Bol xx

  6. Hi Nellie, another excellent review. Stupid mum can't do google thing. can i tell you- answer is C 1986. @charliebrinkle2 love Scarlett


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