Sunday, 2 February 2014

DinDins Wickedly Raw SuperFoods Review

DinDins Wickedly Raw SuperFood Review

Hello pals, I've been sent some fabuwuff product by the terrier-ific DinDins company! Please check them out at, you can do so by clicking the link. You won't regret it!

What is Din Dins Wickedly Raw Superfoods for Dogs?
This blend of superfoods and seagreen gives your dog the equivalent of his or her 5 a day with just a sprinkling of Din Dins Wickedly Raw Superfoods over their regular meals.
Din Dins is a simple and effective way for you to ensure your dog received all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help him stay fit, healthy and active.
Wickedly Raw Superfoods for dogs is a smart blend of superfoods, herbs, seagreens and probiotics, loaded with raw healing elements like antioxidants, phytonutrients, fatty acids and enzymes. Ordinary convenience pet food loses many of these elements during processing but are absolutely essential for the health of your pet. Works wonders with wind, bad breath and other wicked whiffs.What’s more, as the blend works to holistic principles, it’s a real health aid to the whole body by purifying pooch from the inside out.

Add this to your dog’s packaged pet food and see the difference in overall health and vitality.
Wickedly Raw Superfoods can also be used by those who feed a complete BARF diet (Bones and Raw Food) to fill in any nutritional shortfalls in a frozen or homemade diet. For more information
Suitable for puppies from 3 months. 
  • Bad breath (This is pawfect if you is trying to impress a special pooch in your life, trying to give the humans kisses so they give you a chew or even for the older pooches - Derby!)
  • Baldness, itching, skin conditions and helps glossy coats
  • Infections
  • Immunity and vitality
  • Regulates blood sugars
  • Runny stools, constipation, food intolerances, IBS, intestinal problems, pancreatic issues
  • Maintenance of kidney and urinary tract health
  • Weight maintenance ( I needs to watch my figure pals!)
Puppies ½ scoop
½ scoop per 5kg (11lbs) of dog per day for first few days
1 scoop per 5kg (11lbs) of dog per day
Split between meals if fed twice a day

50 gram
Typically lasts for:
Medium dog 1 month

Take precautions in cases of hyperthyroidism and when taking blood thinning medication.

Where to purchase :
Or to see stockists visit

My Review ( Da Impawtant One!)
As ma pals know I wuffs me food! And humum says she is gunna be sprinkling some vet approved supplements on my food - I'm not to sure guys! The only thing I like on my food is gravy, but I'll sure give this a blast!

Day one : Humum sprinkled some green stuff dat smells of tea leaves on me food. You know me pals, my food is MY food and I'm not one for sharing. So, once again Derby rolls up, pulls a stupid face as per, and mum decides to share with him and Tootsie without consulting me. I don't know how he gets away with it pals, it must be help the aged week. BOL.
Mum was watching me like a hawk to see how I took this new addition to me food... Yet when I sit and watch her eat her food, I get in trouble for begging. Naughty human must have been begging for me sprinkles, but don't worry I never gave her any. ( I'll have to book her in to pet human obedience classes...!)*rollseyes* 
I licked my lips, and started to eat me noms. I normally eat a little bit at lunch time and mum picks it up and gives me it for tea... Well not this time. I gobbles it all up when she left the room! This green stuff is sure addictive! 

So, Derby? Yeah. He ate it, what to do you expect? He eats EVERYTHING, including my puppy teething toy, my old blanket, my pigs ear and two of my teddies. But I'm not one to hold grudges. (R.I.P Mr.Crocodile and Rupert :( ) I is intrigued to see how these benefit him, he is a little old wuff who has bad skin, breath, joints and fashion sense!

Tootsie.. She is a little eater and not greedy, unlike another Yorkshire pudding, I mean Terrier I know. She normally has a small portion and has been this way since I was a pup. Mum put her DinDins on her meat, and called her in. I was hoping she would leave me some chicken, no luck pals. GONE! She nommed the lot. 

Day Three: I had to get up super early today, there was a lunch queue today after me Zoomies. Derby tried to push in, but don't worry I put him straight. It's my blog.. So toddle off! My opinion is more impawtant! The dishes were all lined up... and today I was in for a treat. I had my biscuits with carrots and peas in, which were amazing with them magic green sprinkles mum keeps putting in our meals.  I ate it all once again, and even had the energy to play football with the odd pea. Mum wasn't amused, I squished a few of them :( 
Mum says I seem to be more energetic and shinier. If this is the case, feed me this every day as I detest baths, as I get in trouble for eating de bubbles!

Lord Derbald 1st was, without fail, closely behind me in receiving his food. He had chicken with veg and sprinkles. He ate the lot... Surprise, surprise! We are noticing slight improvement in his breath, with is miraculous as he won't let us go near him with a toothbrush... He would probably just try and eat it.
His skin is still dry, but I understand it takes nine days to see visible changes. 

Tootsie, well she's still the wufferly little mother of mine. She ate her food all up once again and still amazes me by eating the sprinkles as she is a fussy eater. If they is good enough for her they are good enough for the Queens' Corgis.

Day Six: Nom time! I went for a super long zoomies today, I knew today was gunna  be a terrierific day as I found a lovely muddy old tennis ball in the woods! I wasn't wrong at all.  I love my supplements and humum says they are great for me. Today we all had wet food with it sprinkled on top... can you guess what happened? Yup. Three empty bowls. Mum sure is impressed with these sprinkles as are we. I laughed though 'cos derby got some stuck on his nosey BOL!

Day Nine:  It's raining and pouring, and Derby is snoring. Until he heard the dishes rattling. He never misses his food - that's why he doesn't have a pawjus figure like mine! We had a mixture today of biscuits and wet food with our sprinkles on. I wuff it still, mum is surprised because normally I'm fussy and she has to chop and change what I eat. *drools* Mmmmm... Chops!

I love these and would recommend them to all of my pals - and mum would to. I have noticed great changes over the days. Mum says especially the bottom burps of mine have disappeared and that you can all put your gas masks away!

Humums Review  (*Yawns!*)
Hello Nellie's wufferly pals, I have had a little help with this part from Nellie herself. I hope you are all well and keeping out of trouble!  I have read a few reviews about pet supplements over the years and always been a little hesitant in trying the dogs on them - not because I don't think they'll work - but because I have three very fussy pooches ( Nellie will disagree - she says Derby eats anything!)

Upon opening the package received by DinDins I was surprised at how professional and compact the product appeared. The pots are fabulously designed, containing all information needed. The handy cap lid has an added edge to help you to open it without spilling any - which is great when I have a little Jack Russell jumping up at me every time I reach for the tub! It is also connected to the pot - to avoid misplacing it which is great if your memory is anything like mine!

Inside the pop is a finely ground green powder which smells a little like tea leaves, accompanied by a measuring spoon. This is such a great idea as you are able to measure the correct amount using the dedicated scoop so you know exactly how much you are adding to each meal, and it saves on the washing up!

Also inside the parcel was a glossy leaflet titles 'SMART PETS WANT DIN DINS'. This outlines the benefits of the product and why it is perfect to aid pet health. It also includes in the leaflet a 'DinDins Daily Tracker' which is great to remind you which days you have added the supplements to the food as you 'tick along' the boxes in this mini calender and also has room for progress notes. I think this is a lovely personal touch as you feel engaged with the product and can monitor the impact it has on your pet/s. 

The back of the leaflet outlines other products available - I am particularly interested in the 'Get Up And Go Glucosamine' for Derby and Tootsie, as you are aware Nellie isn't low on energy! It explains that the supplements are suitable for all ages, which surprised me and put my misconceptions of glucosamine completely to one side!

I found the supplements easy to measure and apply to the dogs' food every day, it is such an easy process and doesn't take more than a minute or so. The changes I have witnessed over the days is so impressive, I will have to purchase without a doubt! Derby has suffered from dry itchy and flaky skin for many years. We have tried all of the lotions and potions under the sun, ranging from creams to medication and although they improved slightly, it has never faded - until now. Derby's skin is unbelievable in how much more moisturised it appears. I am not going to lie - there are still a few little patches here and there but nothing compared to prior starting DinDins. 

Tootsie had quite a dull coat, and is now noticeably 'silver' rather than a grey. When out for a walk the other day a fellow dog-walker asked me what shampoo we had used on her to get her coat so visibly healthy and shiny! I couldn't help but respond and mention it was DinDins food supplements not a shampoo! Their face was a picture, all it took was this simple addition to her food and a brush of her coat daily. Fabulous! 

Nellie is as energetic as ever, and improvements are noticeable in her breath. She has never had serious problems with her breath at all, but it is noticeable when getting puppy kisses that her breath doesn't smell of her meals or the stereotypical 'Dog Breath'.

I was amazed at how every ingredient listed serves a purpose of aiding pet health and all three pooches love the taste! 

Pre-sprouted barley (organic), Seagreens® Ascophyllum (organic), Nettle leaf, Cleavers, Linseed (Flaxseed), Burdock root, Dandelion leaf, Alfalfa, Cranberry (whole fruit) , Parsley leaf, Apple (organic), Carrot (organic), Grapefruit seed extract, Bilberry, Papain (2,000 u/g), Probiotic: EU-registered probiotic strain Enterococcus faecium (NCIMB 10415) E1707 providing 1x10^10 CFU/g (400 million viable organisms per 1gram of blend).
Free from fillers, excipients, artificial preservatives, wheat, soy, dairy, sugar and yeast.

Din Dins is very cleffur in combining these ingredients pals - they are delicious and have so many health benefits - just to name a few:

Apple (organic)

Apple (organic) contains a flavonoid well known for possibly reducing the risk of cancer. Contains a fibre called pectin that may reduce cholesterol and help digestion. This wonderful fruit is full of trace vitamins and minerals and a well-known treasure (an apple a day…).

Carrot (organic)

Carrot often referred to as the poor man’s ginseng contains many phytochemicals. Betacarotene is the most commonly known phytonutrient in carrots and is converted into vitamin A in the body. It is full of trace vitamins and minerals and in cats and dogs is believed to help in warding off parasites such as intestinal worms.

Dandelion Leaf

Dandelion leaf is rich in sodium, calcium, Vitamins A and C, iron, and beta-carotene, an effective body and blood purifier. It cleanses and aids function of the liver, boosts the effectiveness of the pancreas and spleen helping with digestion of fats and immunity.


Cleavers is believed to be a very good blood cleanser and lymphatic tonic. It may also help cases of cystitis and urinary tract infections.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract is believed to be an extremely effective antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal agent that supports the immune system and deters fleas, ticks and worms.

Burdock Root

Burdock Root is a powerful liver aid and blood purifier. It may be helpful in pancreatitis, good for skin conditions and a great general health tonic.


Cranberry (Whole Fruit) is rich in Vitamin C and dietary flavanoids known as proanthocyanidins that are the key to its anti- bacterial properties and cardiovascular protecting abilities. New research shows they may be beneficial in dental health and for bad breath. Great for cats and dogs as they are often prone to urinary tract infection

Linseed (Flaxseed)

Linseed (Flaxseed) is an ancient plant, containing a rich source of essential omega fatty acids, attributing to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in fibre known as lignans that benefit the heart, believed to possess anti-cancer properties, and helps to balance out blood sugars.

Nettle Leaf
 Pals - Do NOT worry! Nettle leaf isn't stingy in these sprinkles.Nettle Leaf has a number of trace vitamins and minerals, supporting digestion, arthritis, skin, itching, food intolerances and often hay fever.

Parsley Leaf
Parsley leaf is high in iron and Vitamin C. Also has a high enzyme profile aiding in digestion and bad breath. A great kidney and urinary tonic, and general immune booster.


Papain (2,000 u/g) is a proteolytic enzyme derived from papaya that helps breakdown proteins and aids digestive issues and pancreatic insufficiency.

Pre Sprouted Barley (Organic)

Pre Sprouted Barley contains an enzyme called super oxide dismutase, an anti-aging enzyme that scavenges oxygen free radicals that cause damage to tissue in the body. It contains a host of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids. It has the potential to provide up to 400% more energy than normal barley grass.

Probiotic Strain Enterococcus Faecium

Probiotic strain Enterococcus Faecium (NCIMB 10415) E1707 (providing 1×10^10 CFU/g) is a beneficial friendly bacteria essential for digestive function, food intolerances, skin and immunity and is the only EU authorised strain of probiotic for dogs.

Seagreens® Ascophyllum (organic)

Seagreens® Ascophyllum (organic) is a fantastic seaweed that offers an abundance of trace vitamins and minerals and rich in iodine to help with thyroid function. Adds chlorophyll into the diet that naturally cleanses the body of impurities and supports immunity.

Cheeky Tootsie licking her tips!
Open it please!

Greedy Derby with his big tongue!

One lucky reader will win a Wickedly Raw Superfoods 50g tub to review on my blog at a later date.
Can you correctly answer the following question in the comments section? * Open to UK residents only.
Winner will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire on the product they receive in order to achieve more of a range of reviews.
If you do not have a google account,  feel free to DM me your answer and I'll paste your answer below :)
How long does a 50g tub typically last a medium dog for?
A. 1 Week.
B. Two Weeks.
C. 1 Month.
Please leave either a contact email or your twitter username.
If you do NOT have a Google+ logjn Please select 'Anonymous' and then type your username in :D
Competition closes Sunday 9th February 2014. Winner will be contacted shortly after.


  1. Another amazing blog Nellie. The answer is C (1 month) mum wary of supps but gonna look at their webby 4 further info on all supps. X @charliebrinkle2

  2. Answer to your comp is 1 month @maxblacklab

  3. The answer is "C" a month :)
    I am @SamsBellabob

    Love the blogs Nellie!

  4. @humfthecocker c :)

  5. Answer is C - 1 month
    Love this review Nellie - mum will check out da website

  6. Fab work Nellie! Looks amazing! It would last a month xx

  7. The answer is C, a month!! Love your blog Nellie, especially bit about shiny coat! Interesting! Thank you @issilovesboo

  8. Hi Nellie and mum. Fantastic blog again. And love the photos. Sounds very interesting. Would love to give it a try for Danny. The answer is C (1month). Loves you both from Carol and Greedy Gobbles xx


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